Introduction to publication ethics workshop - China

Join us for a Chinese-language version of our very popular Introduction to Publication Ethics workshop, led by COPE Council Members Jiayi Xi and Jason Hu.

Tuesday 8 October 2024, 16:00 -17:30 CST / UTC+8

The workshop is open to both COPE Members and non-members.

This workshop is an introduction to the principles of publication ethics and how to use guidance and tools to embed publication ethics in a journal’s daily practice. It will be useful for those thinking of applying for COPE membership, as well as those dealing with publication ethics issues.

Jiayi Xi and Jason Hu will review COPE’s Chinese-language resources, highlighting the core principles for good publication ethics, and common issues encountered by journal editors. Using real cases brought to COPE by members, Jiayi and Jason will ask the audience how they would respond, and talk through the different routes they could take to resolve issues.