How metadata and Crossref plays a role in establishing the integrity of the scholarly record

We recently wrote a series of posts regarding our community’s role in establishing, preserving, and assessing the integrity of the scholarly record (ISR):

  1. ISR part one: What is Crossref’s role in preserving the integrity of the scholarly record?, which introduces our strategy in the area of research integrity.
  2. ISR part two: How our membership approach helps to preserve the integrity of the scholarly record, which discusses our processes and practices for membership criteria and revocation.
  3. ISR part three: Where does Crossref have the most impact on helping the community to assess the trustworthiness of the scholarly record?, covering all the products and services that Crossref offers that help the community in this area, and some future plans.
  4. ISR part four: Working together as a community to preserve the integrity of the scholarly record, a wrap-up of a roundtable discussion held with key stakeholders in October 2022 regarding ISR.